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Beautiful woman sits in a pose of a half


Would you like help transforming some area/s of your life?


Have you noticed negative patterns in your life, but haven't been able to figure out where they're coming from?


Are you open to powerful personal transformation that removes these patterns by their energetic roots so they don't recur?


You've come to the right place!  Group Life Energy Coaching helps participants take control of their life by transforming their mental and emotional energy. As our mind, body and spirit are all energy, energy coaching is a way to identify, understand and quickly transform all unconscious roots to any negative experience or pattern, so the experiences that consciousness is attracting quickly fade away.


You can also use energy coaching to accelerate achievement of your goals. As we attract what we experience from our consciousness and energy, by identifying and transforming the consciousness that is blocking our progress we can achieve our goals far more quickly than would otherwise be possible.


Currently Life Energy Coaching offers two Zoom-based 1-hour Group Life Energy Coaching sessions, on the first and third Tuesdays of each month. Hosted by Shirley Ansell, Group Life Energy Coaching is for those who are ready to transform their life into its highest potential. To do so, you will need to be willing to face the subconscious programming that has kept you stuck in your current patterns, learn how this programming is not aligned with who you are, and receive Archangelic transformation to let go of it (and the patterns it creates) forever. It is a journey of personal growth you'll wish you'd started earlier, as each session restores you ever closer to Self Love, and all your relationships improve as a result.


Participants are invited to email us prior to each session a description of the issue they most need resolved, whether problem or goal related. Shirley will select the issues she feels guided to address for each session.


However, should your submission not be selected, don't despair, you will still get the energy transformation you need and more. Not only will you receive the transformation you need relating to your specific issue over the subsequent 7 days, but you will also receive transformation relating to those issues others bring to the coaching session, whether discussed or not!


Think about that for a moment .... you're not only getting what you need, but accelerating your transformation by a multiple of how many others attend the session .... for exponential growth!


The next group life energy coaching session will be held 11am (US-Pacific) Tuesday, February 4th, 2025. Participants enroll on a monthly subscription basis at $500/month (for 2 sessions/month) or $250/month (for 1 session/month).



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